Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Independent Fact Checking Results

From today’s Wall Street Journal (subscription required) two concurring opinions

First, a letter to the editor from Peter A. Cook of South Orange , N.J.

“Virtually every U.S. auto built in the past 50 years is installed with an engine kill switch, although most drivers refer to it as the ignition switch. Turning the ignition switch back one "click" toward the driver will shut off the engine's ignition system, thereby killing the engine while allowing the steering wheel to continue to operate. If Mr. Brown had shut off the ignition switch when the worn or stuck accelerator cable caused his van's engine to stay at maximum acceleration, it is likely that he would have coasted to a stop.”

Second, they had an article on page B3B of my print copy (not online for some reason) which was titled 'Military Ties Speeded Tsunami Relief' which noted “The U.S. role is also short-term. It is in discussions about winding down U.S. military relief operations in Thailand and Sri Lanka in a couple of weeks…”
Editorial Note
Now will 60 Minutes recant on their "Out of Control" segment libeling the Audi 5000? Don't hold your breath!
P.S. - Search the archives for details, I want you to do some homework!
Update 11:26 PM - U.S. Pacific Command announced the survey ship John McDonnell was conducting a survey of the Malacca Straits to ensure there are no new hazards to navigation This is another task beyond the native resources and is best handled by the U.S. Navy. This is also consistent with an earlier prediction in this blog. Here is the current chart. I haven't been closely monitoring it, but it looks like the Bonhomme Richard Group is standing off from the coast headed west. Likely, they are en route to Kuwait to offload the marines to add to security forces available for the upcoming Iraqi election on Jan. 30.


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