Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Welcome Iraq - The Newest Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!
O! thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd home, and the war's desolation,
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land,
Praise the Power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto--"In God is our Trust;"
And the star-spangled Banner in TRIUMPH shall wave,
O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
Sharon Begley of the Wall Street Journal
Ms. Begley,
Try those questions on the smartest women (and most men too!) you know and you'll get baffled looks. If you need a cheat sheet, email me the likeliest answers and I'll give you a response. I'll also post on my blog
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Media Bias - Apologize and Move On
In The Red Zone
Eric Liu's Graduation Day
previous post
Jan 29 2005 6:42AM
Hey did you see how short and thin and weak-eyed Liu is? And then he showed his command presence by doing this Jody Call on Graduation Day:
Here's your cadence,
Hup, Two Three, Four, Hup Two, Three Four
"I don't know but I've been TOLD
Puffy Combs is kinda BOLD
Got a piece of J Lo's ASS
Thinks he is… the upper CLASS!
Says he is the king of RAP
We all know he's full of CRAP
Gets his rhymes from Dr. SUESS
And his ho's is mighty LOOSE
But when the guns began to
was on the limo... FLOOR
Semper, Semper, Semper FI
All Marine... UNTIL I DIE!
End of day our song's been SUNG
He would lose to William HUNG
He did try to rock the VOTE
Turns out he can't rock a BOAT
Semper, Semper, Semper FI
We will laugh until we CRY
Apples, peaches, MTV
Can we stop? I need to PEE!
Semper, Semper, Semper YO
We will sing as on we GO
And tonight while in our RACKS
Puffy pays his income TAX
And in the morn we'll have more FUN
As we sing... out in the SUN
Semper, Semper, Semper FI
All Marine... UNTIL I DIE
Innovation vs. Business As Usual - Chicago Style
'Two guys can get it done'...
"Workers only had one job to do. Now, they're part of a pothole repair group. Two guys hustling can get it done, and one guy can flag traffic," Chicago Transportation Commissioner Miguel d'Escoto said….
"We make our quotas, but we never finish everything there is to do every day," he said.”
She added: "It is unacceptable to have such wildly erroneous professional engineering estimates for such an important project."
Now Brown is calling for CTA Inspector General Alison Perona to investigate why the agency's original Brown Line overhaul cost estimates were ‘so dramatically wrong'."
Take A Journalist to Work Day - Part II
Friday, January 28, 2005
Command Presence
Abraham Lincoln Sailors Getting Antsy
“I'd say this sounds like the different perspectives of "brown shoe" vs. "black shoe" navy. The aviators get to fly ashore to be greeted by crowds of cheering admirers, meanwhile the surface warriors get no positive reinforcement while sitting in a hot, humid, fetid hole when they were already supposed to be home and off to their next assignment (e.g. schools to upgrade their skills for promotion). All these guys were dragged off the streets of Hong Kong during Christmas liberty just before being scheduled to sail home. Only those going ashore (about 200) get the huzzas! If the UN was a competent bunch, they all could be on their way home!”
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Bonhomme Richard On Station
Pro-Social Security Personal Account Blogs
Does The Guardian Read This Blog?
7) #14494 - "Prince" Harry
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Profiles In Cowardice
But of course, cowardice is de rigeur in Chicago. Check out ABC’s story on a cab fare hike.
“George Kasp and a few of his taxi driving friends decided to set a deadline -- if the city doesn't approve a 13.9 percent fare hike by March 20, he's calling on cab drivers to stop answering radio calls for a week.
"It's done out of frustration and desperation is why it's been done. There's been no action whatsoever on this meter increase for 8 months," said George Kasp, cab driver.
That would mean hailing a cab would be the only way to get one. Neighborhood calls for cab service -- and there were 2.63 million of them last year -- would cease.
Since last summer, cab drivers have been petitioning for an increase that would raise the flag pull -- the fee for entering a taxi -- from a-dollar-90 to two-fifty. After that, every mile would go up from $1.60 to $1.80. They would charge an extra 50-cents for additional passengers.
Alderman Tom Allen, chairman of the city council's transportation committee, admits a fair hike is overdue.
"They're entitled to make a fair livable wage, and I think the city is working in that direction. But they're also entitled to take whatever action they want...this is America," said Ald. Allen, (38th Ward).
Consumer Services Commissioner Norma Reyes is key to any agreement. ABC 7 was unable to reach her Wednesday but she reportedly wants some strings attached to a fare hike -- things like better service and better vehicles.
Whether they support a job action or not, most cab drivers told ABC 7 they just want a raise, no strings attached.”
Hell, if I were Mayor Daley I’d fire Norma Reyes' butt today and have the city council approve the fare hike tomorrow!
Decades of News Judgment Go Up In Smoke!
Of course, you knew this was coming!
Hoax or Scoop?
Caught Red-Handed!
The Smoking Gun!
The Hubris of First-Generation Americans
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Invite A Journalist To Work Day
Jesse Jackson Jr. Feels The Heat
Dateline (Down Under) - Why I Like Aussies
Now the ridiculous from tsunami ravaged Thailand where the tourists are back in party mode
“Police said 40 passengers had been travelling on the overloaded boat when it capsized a few kilometres from Koh Samui.
The travellers had been to the huge party held every month on the beach at Haad Rin in Koh Phangan, which draws tens of thousands of partygoers to the island in peak season.
"The cause of the accident was likely that the boat was overloaded, because it was not allowed to carry more than 30 passengers," Colonel Bandid Tungkaseni, commander of Surat Thani marine police, said.”
Monday, January 24, 2005
ABC "News" - World History Tonight
I knew they were lazy and slow, but TWO MONTHS OUT OF DATE!!!
Barge Fire Update II
The fairway in the channel has been cleared enough to allow traffic to pass. The barge is close alongside the bank of the canal in relatively shallow water with a containment boom well out into the channel. The assumption is that the barge has been pulled out of the way as expected. The damage to the barge is less serious than the TV reports suggested (there’s a surprise!). Since the water is now just a few feet above the deck, this is a good candidate for a cofferdam and pump job. You build a wall (the cofferdam) around the edge of the deck, patch any holes in the hull and pump it out! It will eventally float and can be towed away. Problem solved.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Leading By Example
O! say can you see by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the Rockets' red glare, the Bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there;
O! say does that star-spangled Banner yet wave,
O'er the Land of the free, and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, shall leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
O! thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd home, and the war's desolation,
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land,
Praise the Power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto--"In God is our Trust;"
And the star-spangled Banner in triumph shall wave,
O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
Guyana Relief
Iraqi Murder Rate Hits Zero For A Day!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Is Ollie North Still MIA?
“We had to dedicate two helos and a C-2 cargo plane for America-hater Dan Rather and his entourage of door holders and briefcase carriers from CBS News. Another camera crew was from MTV. I doubt if we’ll get any good PR from them, since the cable channel is banned in Muslim countries.”
I do hear magic incantations
1) “precision assistance”
2) “We like to say, ‘Si navis, magna!’ which, loosely translated, means, ‘If you’re going to have ship, have a big ship.’”
4) “…when an American reporter sustained a life-threatening injury to her leg….“Within two hours of meeting a Marine landing zone officer ashore, she was…receiving the best care from some of the best doctors our nation has to offer - Navy surgeons,”…“Now she is recovering.”
Do we now have stealth amphibious assault ships? WAY COOOOOL!!!!
The Blood On CBS's Hands
I could have sworn that 60 minutes (maybe it was someone else) figured out the problem with the Audi's. It was the placement of the brake/accelerator. It had to do with the angle of the driver to the accelerator. In the Audi's it was moved significantly to the left because of the design of the car. Therefore people were more prone in Audi's to mistake the accelerator for the brake. Another vehicle has a similar placement and it had reports of the same thing.Of course this is all from memory. So take it lightly.Also...digging up stories from 20 years ago??!?! Must be a slow blog cycle. Lol”
I would commend to his attention these previous posts (Lee - Sloth is a deadly sin!)
Reckless Disregard For Truth
Cold Case - 60 Minutes & Sudden Acceleration
None of this has slowed down the ambulance chasers Center for Auto Safety. What we have seen is a nearly twenty year cover up of a libelous report that the others in the MSM repeated and hence became willing accomplices! Every year, the number of Americans who die in such accidents adds to the total of lives that could have been saved by someone in the MSM speaking the truth! But they all live in glass houses and none would be first to throw a stone!
Update 1/24/05 PM 1:51 PM - The Drudge Report states “ROLL CALL reports how Stahl made a point of clarifying to the gathered congressmen that she works for the Sunday 60 MINUTES - not the shamed Wednesday night 60 MINUTES II that aired Dan Rather's now-infamous Bush report.”
ABC News - The Smoking Gun
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Barge Fire Update
Since the bow section is still secured to the dock, it would seem most expedient to cut any remaining attachment in the keel area, so that it could be pulled free. That leaves just the stern section. Using what salvors call “beach gear” the stern could be dragged out of the channel. Then cut into manageable sections and lifted out of the channel by crane. Of course, if they want to make a show out of it, they could use explosives to pound the wreck down into the bottom. This technique was pioneered in 1942 by Merritt-Chapman and Scott in clearing the wreck of the SS Stephan R. Jones from the Cape Cod Canal.
This would have been an interesting test case for using carbon dioxide to suppress the fire. One technique would be to spray liquid carbon dioxide in a process that would create dry ice “snow”. Basically, it would be like a snow making machine at a ski resort. The other would be to mix water and carbon dioxide into a “seltzer water” mixture and spray that on the fire working from the windward side in. This would create a wall of carbon dioxide gas that would displace any oxygen thereby suffocating the fire. (See a further discussion in previous posts regarding the LaSalle Bank high rise fire).
Independent Fact Checking Results
First, a letter to the editor from Peter A. Cook of South Orange , N.J.
“Virtually every U.S. auto built in the past 50 years is installed with an engine kill switch, although most drivers refer to it as the ignition switch. Turning the ignition switch back one "click" toward the driver will shut off the engine's ignition system, thereby killing the engine while allowing the steering wheel to continue to operate. If Mr. Brown had shut off the ignition switch when the worn or stuck accelerator cable caused his van's engine to stay at maximum acceleration, it is likely that he would have coasted to a stop.”
Second, they had an article on page B3B of my print copy (not online for some reason) which was titled 'Military Ties Speeded Tsunami Relief' which noted “The U.S. role is also short-term. It is in discussions about winding down U.S. military relief operations in Thailand and Sri Lanka in a couple of weeks…”
ABC News Caught Red-Handed!!
Flash - Barge Fire Cicero & 40th Chicago
Hoax Or Scoop - ABC News Rolls The Dice
But what is the threat from a “dirty bomb”. Such a bomb has two components, the conventional explosive used to distribute the radioactive material and the radio-isotopes themselves. Let’s look at the explosive first. The bigger the bomb, the farther it will throw the radio-isotopes. A bomb that can be smuggled by foot across the border can’t be very big . Therefore, its effective throw weight is quite low. The radius that will be exposed is minor. The principal threat will be fear borne of ignorance, not radioactivity. As to the cleanup, most isotopes have extremely high atomic weights (e.g. Uranium or Plutonium). This will further reduce the throw distance (a golf ball flies farther than a baseball). The larger size will make it easier to vacuum with a HEPA filter vacuum. Most of these have extremely long half-lives. So the chance of a specific atom fissioning is remote. Most medical isotopes, have very short half-lives. They would lose most of their radioactivity during the trip from Iraq, through Mexico, New York and on to Boston. So the remaining threat is stuff like Strontium 90 (remember that from the 50’s? - a threat to children through milk?). So a quick cleanup and disposal would neutralize the threat. Meanwhile, I don’t expect too many cows to eat the sidewalk of downtown Boston.
Larry Summers Speaks Truth To Harvard
Before we go way out there on the edge, let’s stay closer to the average person’s experience. Marion Jones was the dominant female track sprint racer of all time (before her part in the doping crisis distracted her). Yet as a sportswriter in the Chicago Sun-Times pointed out, she could not beat the typical male state high school champion. I couldn’t beat Marion Jones riding a bicycle! But she is in the 98th percentile of humans, not the 99th. That is what I mean.
If you want to see real life examples of this read She's Just Another Navy Pilot by Loree Draude Hirschman a journal of the first combat deployment of women carrier pilots. It did not begin well. Kara Spears Hultgreen, Lt. U.S. Navy, the Navy’s first fighter pilot, died as she tried to fly her F-14 aboard on October 25, 1994. Political correctness prevented an brutally frank examination of the accident. But an Internet report provided what seems to be just that examination and the conclusion was PILOT ERROR. Now you see why the report never got public exposure.
For those old enough to have driven a carburetor equipped automobile, you might remember that if you suddenly floored the gas the engine choked and died. The technical explanation is that you pushed the amount of gasoline in the airstream high enough to exceed the upper explosive limit and it could no longer support combustion. The evidence of such an event would be a plume of soot coming out the exhaust. For those of you who saw “Top Gun” you might remember that Maverick flew through the exhaust of a plane ahead causing one engine to die. The design of the F-14 is such that the engines are widely separated, so if you lose one engine, the plane tends to veer toward that side. If you don’t catch it quickly, the plane will spin. So Maverick lost control and Goose was killed as he hit the canopy during ejection.
I assume you might be beginning to see the scenario. Lt. Hultgreen came in too low and slow. The Landing Signal Officer tried to get her to correct, but she was slightly late (You‘re not the boss of me?). When she did react, she pushed the throttle too hard and flooded the port engine. The plane started to veer, she tried to correct with the flight controls causing the plane to slow and sink faster, and suddenly, it rolled left and crashed off the port quarter of the carrier. Just before it hit, her RIO (e.g. her Goose) successfully ejected. Lt. Hultgreen was a fraction of a second late and ejected into the water and was killed on impact. She was good enough for the 98th percentile, but not the 99th.
Now Larry Summers is saying the politically incorrect in the Heart of Liberalism Harvard University. He supports ROTC on campus and now recognizes subtle differences between men and women. He certainly has guts!
Diagnosis CBS - Cyperaceae Bulimia Clintonista
Bulimia - A syndrome of bingeing and purging.
Clintonista -The members of the Bill Clinton inner circle.
Symptoms -
1)When Bill Clinton first ran for President, various incriminating documents relating to his past draft status and his visit to Moscow disappeared.
2) When Hillary Clinton was challenged for her commodities trading, the paperwork covering her first, most flagrant trade, were not given to the commodities trading expert for review. Absent this evidence, he could give her a “mistakes were made” report card. If it had been included, it would have failed the smell test of insufficient “earnest money” for the “risk” taken.
3) When Hillary’s health task force was challenged in court the documents were unavailable ( also see Travelgate etc., etc.). Some Rose Law Firm documents mysteriously reappeared in her personal quarters at the White House after two years of intense searching.
4) When the record of the Clinton Administration’s dealings with respect to Osama Bin Laden came before the 9/11 Commission, Sandy Berger was caught stuffing secret documents down his pants.
5) When Al Gore ran against George W. Bush in 2000, documents relating to Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard proved hard to find, almost unavailable, as if someone had thrown they favorable records out. Bill Burkett alleges that he saw such a document purge take place, but did not know the exact content (good or bad) of the documents.
6) When someone approached Bill Burkett with previously unavailable documents “from a personal file”, he assumed they were accurate and presented them to Mary Mapes of CBS, with an admonition to prove their authenticity.
7) Mary Mapes threw caution to the wind and ignored the advice of her experts and ran the story anyway!
Second Opinion Anyone?
The Elvii Have Not Left The Building!
Russia Goes All Volunteer Army In Chechnya
The Customer Is Always Right Until...
“A [wo]man convinced against [her] his will is of the same opinion still. Most husbands learn this in the first year of marriage. Those who do not become ex-husbands.”
“The customer is always right until he disagrees with me, at which point, I need to re-consider my position or re-educate the customer. If both efforts fail, he will not be a customer and our original premise holds…The customer is always right until he disagrees with me!
Evolution Stickers In Georgia
Presumably they have heard that a meteorite impact killed the dinosaurs. There is scientific “proof” of this from the existence of an iridium layer in rocks worldwide. Below the rocks are the fossils of the dinosaurs. Above there are no dinosaur fossils. Correct? Well if the bottom of the iridium layer was the Earth’s surface at the instant of the impact, wouldn’t a dying dinosaur’s fossil start at that level and go up? And given that virtually all dinosaurs are pretty big, their skulls etc should stick way up above that iridium layer. So who buried Sue the T-Rex, God?
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Unionized Professional Is An Oxymoron
Checking out his CV, we see he worked for the Port Washington High School for two school years. Here is a page from that system's website. I direct your attention to the line “New York State School Report Card for Port Washington Union Free School District”. Take a minute to peruse the Report Card. Not exactly in the same class as the CPS, which was once famously described by Education Secretary Bill Bennett as “the worst school system in America” Quite the contrary, it is a school with 5 Intel Semi-Finalists! Hmmmm! No union, good results. Could there be a connection? Maybe what the teacher's unions need is some competition! How about right-to-work legislation?
Tutoring In The Chicago Public Schools
Discarded Lies Blog
“…Greek prosecutors had sought to have the association banned on the grounds that by using the word Turkish in its name it served the interest of a foreign country in the attempt to appear a Turkish minority in Greece…”
“The elderly man, who considers himself an "Arab-Jew," immigrated with his family, as did most of the Iraqi Jews in the early 1950s. As part of the agreement between Iraq and Israel at the time, Iraq allowed them to leave if they gave up their citizenship.
But the eligibility rules established by the IECI say that even if one who disclaimed Iraqi citizenship may still vote in the elections.
If Israeli identification documents are not accepted at the Amman polling station, most of the Iraqi-born Israelis will not be able to vote since most of them left their Iraqi documents behind in Iraq.”
“ISCA revealed that the city planning board of Medina, Saudi Arabia, which is dominated by a notoriously extreme-Wahhabist mayor and city-planning commission:
Painted the famous green dome of the Holy Mosque of the Prophet silver, knowing that its original color is revered by all Muslims. After intense protest from the citizens of Medina the board restored the dome to its original green.
Ordered the destruction of five of the renowned "Seven Mosques" initially built by Prophet Muhammad's daughter and four of his "greatest Companions": Masjid Abu Bakr, Masjid Salman al-Farsi, Masjid Umar ibn al-Khattab, Masjid Sayyida Fatima bint Rasulillah and Masjid Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Ordered pulling down of "Al-mukabariyya," the elevated location for the call to prayer in the Holy Mosque of the Prophet, built by Umar bin Abdul-Aziz in the 8th century.”
Monday, January 17, 2005
Martin Luther King Jr In His Own Words
“Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it politic? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the question - is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right.”
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
“You ought to believe in something in life and believe that thing so fervently that you will stand up for it till the end of your days.”
“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
“A good leader is not a searcher of consensus, but a molder of consensus.”
“No work is insignificant. All work that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance, and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all host of heaven and earth will pause to say, ’Here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well’.”
Chicago vs. Iraq Murder Rates - Recapitulation
Picture the Iraqi “insurgency” as a gang turf war, the insurgents vs. the Iraqi police with the Americans taking the role of the cops. It is quite dangerous to be in either gang! But the ordinary citizen tends to stay out of the line of fire. A massive police presence will cause the gangbangers to hide. So with a strong presence on 1/30/05, the election should come off well, just as in Afghanistan! But that puts the citizens in the government camp! Looks like the insurgents are going to lose the turf war!
But is this the way the media covers the situation? No! A Fox News Report reads...
“In Baghdad, meanwhile, three mortar shells exploded Saturday near the heavily guarded Green Zone (search), causing no casualties but sending American and Iraqi officials scurrying for cover. It marked the third straight day of rebel attacks on the zone, the nerve center of the U.S. and Iraqi administration, after a lull of a couple of weeks.”
It should read something like this “In Baghdad, with population 5 million people, three spitballs were thrown near the heavily guarded Green Zone, causing no casualties but annoying American and Iraqi officials. It marked the third straight day of “insurgent” attacks on the zone, the nerve center of the U.S. and Iraqi administration, after a lull of a couple of weeks.”
Here is some unrefuted reporting from the New York Times which shows that Iraq had 202 murders in 14 days or 14.4 per day! Iraqi population estimates vary, but for comparison purposes Chicago (at 450 confirmed murders in 366 days with a population of 2.8 million) had .439 murders per million per day. The two would be equal if Iraq's population was 32,858,867 people! Population estimates vary but about 25 million people live in Iraq. Therefore, the streets of Iraq are about as safe as the streets of Chicago though in both places there are some tough neighborhoods and you might not wish to be a member of particular organizations! The Iraqi trend is going down faster than Chicago's. Here are the links to Chicago murder statistics. Note that there can be minor adjustments over time so that the exact number will vary as cases are cleared.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
2004 Was Rather's Second Attempt to Influence An Election Away From A Bush
But while searching my files, I came across an article of amazing prescience! It was written by Raymond A. Coffey of the Chicago Sun-Times on November 11, 1988, titled "Some Funeral, Dan!" and appeared on page 55. Here are the excerpts:
"That was some funeral Dan Rather and our local TV deepthinkers threw for Gov. Thompson on Tuesday night.
I haven't laughed so hard at a requiem in years.
And Thompson almost surely enjoyed it all even more than I did. Hardly anyone gets to attend his own funeral and then show up for work in the morning. I hope you didn't miss it...
Iraq 202 in 14 days or 14.4 per day! Iraqi population estimates vary, but given Chicago at 450 confirmed murders with a population of 2.8 million by census or .446 murders per million, the two would be equal if Iraq's population was 32 million! And the Iraqi trend is going down faster than Chicago's, which was 599 in 2003 to 450 in 2004 or 24.9 percent per year! So Iraq will be lower by Feb 1! Take that MSM!"
Basque Separatists ETA Dead - Rest In Hell
According to police, politicians and security analysts, the events of last year have effectively ended Eta's 37-year insurgency."
CBS News - Hollywood Scriptwriter Challenge
Challenge Issued To CPD!!
Dan Bartlett Is No Litigator!
Emmy Rossum - Star of the MTV Generation!
“Casting the part of the gifted young chorus girl Christine Daae proved to be another challenge for the filmmakers, as the character calls for an actress who can exude a genuine innocence yet command a sophisticated vocal prowess. As Schumacher prepared to screen test a handful of potential Christines, he met with Emmy Rossum, a then-sixteen year-old actress who delivered a memorable performance as Sean Penn's murdered daughter in the Oscar winning drama Mystic River, and played the young Audrey Hepburn in ABC's 2000 telefilm The Audrey Hepburn Story.
"Lightning struck when we found Emmy," Schumacher enthuses. "Not only is she an exquisite actress, but Emmy has trained at the Metropolitan Opera since she was seven. She came in at the last second and almost didn't screen test because she had to go to a family reunion in Las Vegas. I had to talk her out of it!"
"We met on a Thursday, and Joel said 'Can you be in New York on Saturday for a screen test?'" recalls Rossum, who had just wrapped her starring role in the disaster epic The Day After Tomorrow. "Then about a week later I went to sing for Andrew at his house, which was very nerve-wracking! I was warming up with the accompanist when Andrew walked into the room, sat down without introducing himself and said 'Shall we?'"
As she proved at her audition, "Emmy has got a fantastic voice," Lloyd Webber attests.
To prepare for her role, Rossum took dance lessons, toured the famed Garnier Opera House in Paris, on which the Opera Populaire is loosely based, and visited the Musée D'Orsay to study Degas' paintings and sculptures of ballerinas, many of which were based on the dancers from the Garnier Opera company. "The biggest challenge for me was finding a balance between my voice and my acting," Rossum says. "It was important that my acting be at the same level as it would be in a normal film, so I had to find a place at which my voice and my acting meshed in a way that felt natural."
She is the antithesis of the eternal graduate student, though one suspects she will be learning for the rest of her life! She was spectacular! And that means this film is the perfect introduction to opera for the MTV generation. It is sung in beautifully enunciated English so there is no need for subtitles. It is shot through close ups so there is no need for opera glasses. It is full of visual images, since that is how the MTVers input information. A perfect training tool! And as a benefit, Miss Rossum is the perfect training tool for your aimless, preening, full of self-esteem teenager. What are YOU going to be when you grow up? As an adult, you enjoy it just as much as the kids. Go to see it!
Iraqi Turf War
From this morning’s Fox News we have a report that reads…
“In Baghdad, meanwhile, three mortar shells exploded Saturday near the heavily guarded Green Zone (search), causing no casualties but sending American and Iraqi officials scurrying for cover. It marked the third straight day of rebel attacks on the zone, the nerve center of the U.S. and Iraqi administration, after a lull of a couple of weeks.”
It should read something like this “In Baghdad, with population 5 million people, three spitballs were thrown near the heavily guarded Green Zone, causing no casualties but annoying American and Iraqi officials. It marked the third straight day of “insurgent” attacks on the zone, the nerve center of the U.S. and Iraqi administration, after a lull of a couple of weeks.”,2933,144414,00.html
Paparazzi Prize Patrol
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Killing AIP Submarines in the Littorals
The French Look In The Mirror
Eternal Graduate Students
“Kiely Fletcher, associate financial aid director at the University of Illinois at Chicago, said the money "is a small Band-Aid trying to cover a gaping wound.''
I’m with Wayne Albro who wrote a letter to the Wall Street Journal on 1/11/05 stating in part
“If a student who has just graduated from a college of engineering or science does not recognize he has just wasted four or five years picking up a few points in his profession and wants to continue for his masters and doctors, he either is planning to teach the subject or seek a future in which he must overwhelm ignorant authorities with certificates of "higher education."
Progress in technical development is not furthered by Ph.D.s or M.S.s but by intelligent people, who, in spite of (not because of) formal education, are thinkers and doers. Intelligent investors will be looking for companies that have hired and nurtured such men and women.
The secrets of science are revealed for all who seek them. The ubiquity of print and the Internet has rendered the priesthood of science obsolete. All of which portends an exciting future for this country when the real capability of our truly intelligent men and women is honored by the country.”
OOOH That’s Good!
CBS News Insurgency Update!!! reports that the three execs asked to resign are declining to take this generous offer!
And Bummer Dietz is still on the case. I’ve been commenting there too. You might enjoy this part
“For all you film buffs: